[muokkaa]subject (ei vertailuasteita)
- altis
- She was subject to bouts of psychosis.
- I'm subject to temptation when I go shopping.
- jonkin alainen, jonkin kohteeksi joutuva
- You'll be subject to constant criticism if you do that.
- Tulet olemaan jatkuvan kritiikin kohteena, jos teet sen.
- He was subject to constant ridicule.
- The country's human rights violations are subject to international condemnation.
- A new list was published with the names of Russians potentially subject to U.S. sanctions.
- You'll be subject to constant criticism if you do that.
- jnk alainen t. alamainen
- You're subject to the legislation of the country you live in.
- Sinua koskee sen maan lainsäädäntö, jossa asut.
- The vassal was subject to the king.
- You're subject to the legislation of the country you live in.
[muokkaa]- IPA: /ˈsʌbdʒɪkt/
[muokkaa]subject (monikko subjects)
- aihe; puheenaihe
- She is the subject of a brand new bestseller.
- Let's change the subject.
- oppiaine, opetusaine, aine
- My favourite subject in school is English.
- (jonkin toiminnan) kohde,aihe; jokin joka antaa aihetta johonkin
- a subject of international condemnation
- He was a subject of constant ridicule to his classmates.
- koehenkilö; (lääketieteellinen) tutkittava; tutkimuskohde
- Subjects were asked to fill in a questionnaire.
- The subject was brought in for autopsy.
- (filosofia, logiikka) subjekti
- (kielitiede) subjekti, alus
- alamainen
- I am a British subject.
[muokkaa]- IPA: /ˈsʌb.d͡ʒɛkt/
Liittyvät sanat
[muokkaa]Taivutus | |
ind. prees. y. 3. p. | subjects |
part. prees. | subjecting |
imp. & part. perf. | subjected |
- ~ to alistaa jollekin; altistaa jollekin, joutua kohteeksi (erityisesti epämiellyttävän tai tahtomattoman)
- Bulgaria was subjected to Ottoman rule.
- You mustn't subject a child to traumatic experiences.
- I know I'll be subjected to a long and hard series of treatments.
- The alcoholic husband subjected her to a horrible ordeal.
[muokkaa]- IPA: /səbˈdʒɛkt/