Luokka:Englannin kielen substantiivit
Seuraavat 30 alaluokkaa kuuluvat tähän luokkaan. Alaluokkien kokonaismäärä luokassa on 30.
- Englannin substantiivien taivutusmuodot (11 462 S)
- Englannin kielen pluratiivit (182 S)
- Englannin kielen alkuaineet (121 S)
- Englannin kielen ammatit (53 S)
- Englannin kielen kielet (211 S)
- Englannin kielen luut (37 S)
- Englannin kielen muusikot (15 S)
- Englannin kielen sukulaiset (41 S)
- Englannin kielen ateriat (1 S)
Sivut, jotka ovat luokassa ”Englannin kielen substantiivit”
Seuraavat 200 sivua kuuluvat tähän luokkaan. Sivujen kokonaismäärä luokassa on 40 303.
Luokkatyökalut |
- a'a
- aah
- aardvark
- aardwolf
- Aaron's rod
- ab
- abac
- abaca
- abactor
- abacus
- abalone
- abandon
- abandonment
- abasement
- abashment
- abasia
- abatement
- abatis
- abattoir
- Abaza
- abb
- abbacy
- Abbasid
- abbess
- abbey
- abbot
- abbotship
- Abbott’s Babbler
- Abbott’s Booby
- Abbott’s Starling
- abbreviated dialling
- abbreviated number
- abbreviation
- ABC book
- ABC guide
- ABC warfare
- Abderite
- abdication
- Abdim’s Stork
- abdomen
- abdominal cavity
- abdominal muscle
- abdominal respiration
- abdominoscopy
- abducens nerve
- abduction
- abductor
- abecedarium
- abecedary
- abend
- Aberdare Cisticola
- Aberrant Bush Warbler
- aberration
- Abert’s Towhee
- abessive
- abetment
- abettor
- abeyance
- abhorrence
- ability
- ability group
- ability grouping
- ability to communicate
- ability to pay
- ability to work
- abiogenesis
- abiosis
- abjection
- Abkhazian
- ablation
- ablative
- ablative case
- able-bodied seaman
- ableism
- able seaman
- ablution
- abnegation
- abnormality
- abnormity
- abo
- abode
- abolishment
- abolition
- abolitionism
- abolitionist
- abomasum
- A-bomb
- abominable snowman
- abomination
- aboriginal
- Aboriginal
- aborigine
- aborticide
- abortifacient
- abortion
- abortionist
- about-face
- about turn
- about-turn
- abracadabra
- abrasion
- abrasive
- abrasive band
- abrasive band machine
- abrasive belt grinder
- abrasive cloth
- abrasive compound
- abrasive disc
- abrasive paper
- abrasive wheel
- abridgment
- abrogation
- abscess
- abscissa
- abscondency
- absence
- absence of mind
- absence seizure
- absentee
- absenteeism
- absentee vote
- absentee voting
- absent-mindedness
- absentmindedness
- absent subscriber service
- absinth
- absinthe
- absinthium
- absolute
- absolute advantage
- absolute code
- absolute coding
- absolute deviation
- absolute frequency deviation
- absolute location
- absolute majority
- absolute maximum rating
- absolute pitch
- absolute temperature
- absolute value
- absolute zero
- absolute zero point
- absolution
- absolutism
- absolutist
- absorbance
- absorbancy
- absorbent cotton
- absorbent paper
- absorber
- absorbing circuit
- absorptance
- absorption
- absorption capacity
- absorption line
- absorption loss
- absorptivity
- abstainer
- abstention
- abstract
- abstract algebra
- abstraction
- abstractness
- abstractum
- absurdism
- absurdity
- abundance
- abundant number
- abuse
- abuser
- abutment
- abysm
- abyss
- Abyssinian Black-headed Oriole
- Abyssinian Black Wheatear
- Abyssinian Catbird
- Abyssinian Longclaw
- Abyssinian Nightjar
- Abyssinian Roller
- Abyssinian Scimitarbill
- Abyssinian Slaty Flycatcher
- Abyssinian Thrush
- Abyssinian White-eye
- acacia
- Acacia Pied Barbet
- acacias
- academia
- academian
- academic
- academic freedom
- academician
- academic year
- academy
- academy of music
- Acadian Flycatcher
- acai berry
- acajou
- acalculia
- acanthus