[muokkaa]Taivutus | |
ind. prees. y. 3. p. | leaches |
part. prees. | leaching |
imp. & part. perf. | leached |
- (transitiivinen) liuottaa, huuhtoa, suotaa; irrottaa, luovuttaa
- Cast iron cookware can leach iron, especially when acidic ingredients are used.
- When in touch with water, copper leaches safe amounts of copper ions.
- Rain can leach out nutrients from the soil.
- (intransiviivinen) huuhtoutua, suodattua, liueta
- Nutrients leached out of the soil with the heavy rainfall.
- (kuvaannollisesti) vuotaa, tihkua; poistaa, "verottaa" tms.
- negative people who leach your energy in life
- Money worries are leaching all the joy out of life.
- meaning has been leached from my life