[muokkaa]failure (monikko failures)
- epäonnistuminen
- My first attempt was a failure.
- jokin tai joku epäonnistunut; luuseri
- Because of the prolonged drought the crop was a complete failure.
- I feel like a failure.
- kykenemättömyys tai suostumattomuus vaadittuun, laiminlyönti
- his failure to show up in court
- Failure to comply with the demands will put the hostages' lives in danger.
- (lääketiede) (akuutti) vajaatoiminta
- heart failure
- kidney failure
- Acute kidney injury was previously called acute renal failure.
Liittyvät sanat
[muokkaa]failure rate, failure to prepare is preparing to fail, mean distance between failure, mean time to failure, renal failure, single point of failure