[muokkaa]collapse (monikko collapses)
- romahdus, sortuminen, luhistuminen
- the collapse of the bridge
- (lääketiede) kollapsi
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[muokkaa]Taivutus | |
ind. prees. y. 3. p. | collapses |
part. prees. | collapsing |
imp. & part. perf. | collapsed |
- romahtaa, sortua, luhistua; (neuvotteluista) kariutua
- These damaged buildings can collapse any minute.
- I was so exhausted I just collapsed on my bed as soon as I got home.
- The price of crude oil has collapsed.
- The negotiations collapsed, and the parties aren't expected to meet any time soon.
- lyyhistyä, tuupertua, lysähtää, pyörtyä
- The old man collapsed in the street and was taken to hospital.
- painua kasaan; mennä kasaan, taittua kokoon
- a collapsed lung – ilmarinta
- These chairs collapse for easy storage.
- (transitiivisena) romahduttaa, luhistaa; taittaa t. painaa kokoon
- Even a minor earthquake would collapse this building.
- You can collapse and expand comments in the threads.